Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Morning

Good morning Sunday...Beautiful as it is...*inhales the fresh air* have you ever woken up in the morning feeling so good about everything? Ever had that feeling? Its just wonderful...another day alive on Blessed can one be? :-) Its not too hot..the weather is just right...*smiles*..The Olympics is on now...the whole world is watching...hehe...I got excited watching the women's volleyball, hockey and handball just now...just imagine yourself in one of those games participating at the can just feel the adrenalin rushing competing with your opponents...such a great feeling...that's the feeling I'm going thru this morning...its just wonderful...*smiles*..beautiful morning...nothing much to say...its just beautiful..i'm contented..relaxed...I thank God that I'm alive....high...*smiles*

1 comment:

Craven said...

You sound extraordinarily happy! Haha explained d hyperness then.